
Piattaforma Whistleblowing

Report management

Leonardo encourages anyone who becomes aware of facts or behaviors that could cause damage to the Group, or that are against internal company values, codes and protocols, laws or regulations, and in particular anti-corruption legislation, to make a report in the strictest confidence.
Reports may concern Leonardo Group employees, members of the corporate bodies, Group companies and third parties (for example suppliers, consultants, collaborators, customers and intermediaries).
By way of non-exhaustive example, among the possible cases subject to reporting are:

In order for a report to be effective and adequately analyzed by the competent structures, it is necessary to indicate precise and consistent factual elements and provide, where available, supporting documentary evidenceAs part of the whistleblowing management process, Leonardo chose to equip itself with a dedicated IT platform aimed at more effectively circumscribing the reports, introducing two-way communication with the reporter while protecting their confidentiality and identity. This platform will also be a management tool able to guarantee greater support for the phases of receipt, monitoring and archiving of received reports. The system will be able to inform the reporter of the status of the reporting process (receipt of the report / verification in progress / verification completed) and will allow the internal structures in charge to request, during the preliminary investigation and verification phase, the informant, also anonymous, any clarifications or further information useful for understanding and analyzing the report.

Guidelines on the management of reports

For further information, it is possible to consult the whistleblowing guidelines, which define and describe the management process of qualified and anonymous reports, providing for specific verification and intervention procedures, with guarantee of anonymity of the reporting person and reported in all phases.

Please note that the guarantee of confidentiality provided by the law 179/2017(full text at the following link) assumes that the reporting person makes his identity known. Therefore, if the informant intends to remain anonymous, he will not be able to benefit from the relative legal protections. However, it remains firm that Leonardo will also take into consideration anonymous reports, where these are adequately detailed and rendered in great detail, that is if they are able to bring out facts and situations relating them to specific contexts.